Monday, May 7, 2012

Kids in the Kitchen - 1

One of my biggest obstacles, especially when I began cooking, has been my kids running in and out and around in the kitchen.  My son may only be two, but he is one of the HUGEST 2-year-olds I've ever seen, so he's been able to reach kitchen counters for a while, and always pushes a chair into the kitchen as soon as the light switch goes on.

As a mom, this is DISTRESSING.  There are little fingers grabbing everything while you're trying to put a meal together--its incredibly hard to regulate.  So how did I solve this problem?  I didn't...more or less, I found a compromise that seems to work surprisingly well.  

Moms, let your kids help! There are several benefits to having your little one/ones in the kitchen with you while you cook.  

1.  They feel involved and important.
2.  This is another opportunity to teach!  When you're cooking, you are given so many opportunities to teach your children--words, shapes, chemistry, math, you name it, it can be worked into a cooking lesson.  I let my son pour measured out cups of flour, and I'm teaching him to count, for example.  Its entertaining, educational AND keeps him out of trouble, so I can't complain.
3.  Kids that help make meals and snacks are more likely to eat them, and to be healthy eaters later in life.  This has been proven, folks, and should definitely be taken to heart in an era where most of the U.S. is now obese.  

While meals may take a little longer and be a little messier, there are many benefits.  And the kids don't just have to watch--let them participate!  I often let my son pour pre-measured ingredients into bowls, stir things, and on the occasion that I'm busy at the cutting board and don't want little fingers in my way, I give him his OWN little cutting board and knife (plastic or butter, of course!) and give him something to cut up, too.  Even if they're just scraps (peels, apple cores, etc.)  they will love that feeling of independence.  

...that would be one of my little monsters, cutting up ribs/stems from a bell pepper and onion skin.  He was occupied by this for far longer than I could have hoped.  And he was so proud of his handy work when he was finished, that he tried to add it to the dish...ha.

So really, it might not be the ideal situation, and I'm first to admit I don't do this EVERY time I cook a meal (sometimes we just need to concentrate on other things or get in and out of the kitchen as quickly as possible), but I try and do this every chance I get.

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